Call to PRIMA projects was launched on 11/02/2020 on web site of PRIMA Foundation:
Section 01:
-Deadlines of submission step 01: 01/04/2020.
-Deadlines of submission step 02:02/09/2020.
Section 02:
-Deadlines of submission step 01: 15/04/2020.
-Deadlines of submission step 02:16/09/2020.
The subject involved by this program of Mediterranean cooperation revolves around: the water, the agriculture and the agro-food value chains.
The consortium shall be composed of one entity from southern Mediterranean, another from north and third from one of the two shores.
In the order to disseminate this call for project that proposes colossal funding, please share this message to all the staff of your institution.
Two facebook pages were also available to provide you for more information:
- Sub-direction of internationals research program